Sunday, December 16, 2007

At around 4 today the final bonus child went home. I have had 2 blissful hours to regain my sanity.

I did put a TV in the girl’s room yesterday along with the VCR/DVD player from our room. It has saved me a lot of head aches this weekend the girls watched TV and movies upstairs and Little man watched them in the living room, Hubby in the bedroom.

We have went from being a 6 TV family to being a 3 TV family, after the fire the cleaning company threw or took all of the TV’s in the house. I have only purchased the essential ones mine, Hubby’s & Living room. Time to buy the kids one….I will consider it an investment into my future sanity.

I am amazed that it is only a week before Christmas this year just flew by. Wow and for the first year ever I have not bought or wrapped a single gift yet. I am thinking it is going to be a hell of a week getting ready. Not real worried about the kids they make out like bandits last year I said Santa is bringing one gift that is it. I may have to supplement that unless I some how get my hands a Wii this week.

They are like looking for a needle in a haystack I am sick of calling all the stores Sunday, the clerks think I am a nut job. I also went into National Pawn and saw they have one in their storage gave the manager my husbands phone number if it comes out this week. More than likely not going to happen but one can wish. If you find yourself with a spare one email and I will give you the address to send it to. What can I say I am desperate but not desperate enough to buy it on eBay or eRobbery as I like to call it.


Jenny Wynter said...

Nice blog! And no, I'm not a spammer, I'm an actual real person writing that. Love the Santa pic too, how terrifyingly true.

(It's Comic Mummy, btw). Nice to make your cyber-acquaintance and ta for the link! :-)

Anonymous said...

They have wii's in stock but you have to buy the whole damn package, Which is floating in the $500-$600 range. Comes with the bowling, golf, blah blah blah crap...words.....sports package. Also, comes with several different, numbchucks, remote....and whatever else them damn china-men came up with. :) Have a wonderful day!