Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Prayers Please......

It is not often that I ask anyone for favors but today I need ALL of you to say a prayer or a 100 for a special little girl. Alexia is coming to the end of her 3 year battle with cancer she is currently in the PICU in Duke Univ. hospital. Amazingly she is not showing any blasts (cancer cells) in her blood but is suffering from high blood pressure, kidney failure and respitory distress due to bleeding in her lungs. This little one is a true warrior and has fought long and hard, I am asking you all to pray for no more pain and suffering for her and peace for her wonderful parents Ursula & Ignacio they are amazing.

Please take a minute today and say a prayer maybe visit her site and leave some words for her family. I know Ursula reads them all and appreciates the support.


Thank You!!!

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