Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blogger was being a bitch earlier and would not let me log in it gave me the "cookies" disabled warning well let me tell you this Blogger me and my computer are on a fucking diet and we do not want your stinkin cookies. Get that? I have a major problem with sugar with out you trying to push cookies off on me...have a little respect for us fat asses we need no help piling on the calories.
In other news it is Ash Wensday and I am sitting here in my scrubs trying to decide if I will do my Catholic duty and go get the ash rubbed on my head or be unholy and just drop my kids at the door for religion classes.....hmmm....I am really struggling with this I have not been to confession since does it really matter if I go? Can you imagine with all the F bombs I drop the number of Hail Marys I would get?
To many to even count.


BlueBella said...

Missy it's time for a girl's weekend already . . . f-bomb's a plenty and no hail mary's to speak of!

Anonymous said...

I have to remind my self not to say those things at work. Something about not appropriate in front of children....

Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation Ash Wednesday is/was not a Holy Day of while it is always nice and somewhat of a tradition to get your ashes, you aren't obligated to do so. (so says the woman who just was.not.up to dragging her fat ass off the sofa last night to get them)

Melissa said...

Bella a girls weekend is exactly what I need...

southernintherockies LOL on the not appropriate in front of kids I hide in the kitchen and cuss a blue streak in hopes their little ears do not burn off

mindi-Thank the Lord it is not a day of obligation cause my big fat ass fell asleep on the couch and woke up at 5am thurs in my scrubs and could have just rolled out and went to work